The Kight Twins (Mom – Magan Kight)
Identical twin boys Brooks (baby A) & Banks (baby B) were born on 11/17 at 26 weeks gestation. Brooks weighed 2lbs & Banks weighed 2lbs 4oz. Brooks has bilateral grade 3”4 brain bleeds, Banks has grade 4 on the left & grade 2 on the right. We have been told 90% sure by doctors that they will have some form of cerebral palsy. They can not tell us what deficits they will have until each milestone they reach. They have both had brain surgery twice, once to place a reservoir & the next for a shunt to drain the excess spinal fluid off the brain.
Banks was also diagnosed with pulmonary stenosis, his pulmonary valve being to narrow, he will have to have a heart cath procedure to open up the valve more. We still do have a very long road ahead of our family, beings as we do not know what their future holds.
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